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Celebrate the New Year with Small Resolutions

new years eve

Can we all agree that 2020 has been one tough year filled with anxieties and the unknown. With the New Year creeping around the corner, it’s hard to prioritize yearlong resolutions. If there’s one thing we’ve learned this year, it’s that to take things day by day. Anyone can change in a day, so why rush to make these large New Year resolutions. This time last year, you may have considered a 2020 goal of traveling more or making new friends. Well, that probably didn’t happen, and hey, that’s ok! However, setting goals is still something to think about, even if those goals are considered small and different from your 2020 goals. Going into 2021, we believe you could use a little positivity and motivation to start this year with a smile.  


Small Goals

Goals can come in any shape and size! They don’t have to be these extra-large goals that could potentially be out of reach. Start the new year by setting small goals, look at them as baby steps. These goals can last through the week, the month, or over the year. These goals should be something you can track so you can keep up with the progress. For example, set a small goal like tracking the number of steps you take. You can track this goal daily or weekly and see how you can increase the number of steps you take. And hey, maybe after reaching these baby step goals, enjoy a bowl or two of Simply Delish Jel or Pudding!

upset man

Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself

This year has been hard enough on you, so take a minute and give yourself a big pat on the back. You’ve made it through one of the most challenging years in history and you’re still standing on your two feet. As you plan to set goals for yourself in the new year, remember that it’s okay if you don’t obtain them at first. Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself! If you slip up or make a mistake, take a minute and reflect on it. Learn from those mistakes and move forward. Try not to dwell on the negatives, but rather, thrive in the positive. 2020 has been a hard enough year, give yourself a break in 2021. At the end of the day, don’t be too hard on yourself.  

Daily Affirmations

Have you ever heard of daily affirmations? If not, here’s the meaning of it. According to, the word affirmation means, “something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.” This means, making a statement that is confirmed true. Consider this, try starting your day with one daily affirmation. For example, wake up and say to yourself, “I’m thankful for…” Whether it’s for your health, a roof over your head or simply being able to watch your favorite television show on Netflix. Be thankful for the small things in your life, the things that bring you joy. Research shows that daily affirmations have a positive effect on the brain and your overall wellbeing. Why not start your day with a positive thought which will be beneficial for you throughout the entire day! 

treat yourself

Treat Yourself

If you’re a fan of Parks and Rec, you know what “treat yo’self” means! Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford paved the way to truly treat yourself. As we mentioned before, don’t be too hard on yourself. However, if you do end up completing a task of achieving a goal, reward yourself! You deserve to recognize your gains, especially during a pandemic. You may have had things taken from you this year, whether not seeing friends and family or spend the afternoon at your favorite restaurant. But don’t worry, you can always treat yourself to something that will boost your spirits! Enjoy a big bowl of Simply Delish Instant Pudding or how about a layered dessert of Simply Delish Jel and whipped cream, while watching your favorite show or movie. At the end of the day, don’t be afraid to give in and treat yourself to the little things that bring you joy!  

Vodka Shots made with Orange Jel

If you’re ringing in 2021 at home, that’s okay! You can make the best of it, especially with these Simply Delish Jel shots. This year has been tough, one that we will never forget. We can look forward to 2021 by setting small goals, stating daily affirmations, not being so hard on ourselves, and treating ourselves at the end of a tough day.  Be thankful for what you have and strive for the things you want, even if they’re small.   

From everyone Simply Delish, we want to wish you a very happy and healthy New Year! We are excited about the new year and what new flavors, recipes, and fun accessories it will bring.